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11) In Casper Saves Halloween, Casper goes trick-or-treating as a _____.

On Halloween night, Hairy Scarey, Winifred Witch and Screech Ghost are plotting their mean-spirited spookings. Casper refuses to join them and decides to go trick-or-treating dressed as a real boy, but neighborhood kids see through his disguise and run away in fear.

12) In The Flintstones Meet Rockula and Frankenstone (1979), how does Wilma scare off Count Rockula?

Rockula begs Wilma to marry him, promising her a life of luxury if she agrees. Winking at Fred, Barney and Betty (who watch surreptitiously from the doorway), Wilma agrees to consider marrying Rockula, then immediately begins nagging him about chores, upkeep of the house, and his bad habits. Aghast, Rockula transforms into a bat and flies off. Barney laughs and lauds Wilma for defeating Rockula by telling him "the real truth about married life".

13) What animated short features Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy hunting ghosts?

Lonesome Ghosts is a Disney animated cartoon, released three days after Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). The short features Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy as members of The Ajax Ghost Exterminators.

14) Finish the title of this 1979 Halloween TV special: Raggedy Ann and Andy in The Pumpkin Who Couldn't _____.

In Raggedy Ann and Andy in The Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile, the two ragdolls unite a sad little pumpkin with a sad little boy to make a very happy Halloween.