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11) How fast could Velociraptor run?

Velociraptor may translate as "swift robber" or "speedy thief," but it wasn't nearly as fast as contemporary ornithomimids or "bird mimic" dinosaurs, some of which could attain speeds of up to 40 or 50 mph. Even the fastest Velociraptor would have been severely hampered by its short, turkey-sized legs, probably topping out at speeds of 24 miles per hour.

12) What dinosaur family does Velociraptor belong to?

Dromaeosauridae is a family of feathered theropod dinosaurs. They were generally small to medium-sized carnivores that flourished in the Cretaceous Period. The name Dromaeosauridae means "running lizards".

13) How many claws did Velociraptor have on each hand?

Like other dromaeosaurids, it had a large manus ('hand') with three strongly curved claws, which were similar in construction and flexibility to the wing bones of modern birds. The second digit was the longest of the three digits present, while the first was shortest.

14) What is the name of the dominant Velociraptor in the film Jurassic World?

Blue is more intelligent and cunning than her sisters. These traits likely helped her become the leader of the pack.

15) What NBA city hosts a professional basketball team named the Raptors?

The Toronto Raptors are based in Ontario, Canada.