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11) Venom from the Gila monster has been used to develop a treatment for which disease?

A component of Gila monster venom (Exendin-4) has been approved by the FDA to be used in a drug called Byetta which helps in the treatment of type-2 diabetes.

12) Which Mexican lizard is a close relative of the Gila monster?

Its close venomous relatives, the 4 Mexican beaded lizards, inhabit Mexico and Guatemala.

13) What is a group of Gila monsters called?

They are usually solitary animals, but do gather in communal areas in the spring for mating. A group of these lizards is called a lounge, which is appropriate since they love to lie around and soak up the sun's rays. In fact, other than eating, sunbathing is the only reason a Gila monster will leave its underground home.

14) What preys on Gila monsters?

Although these tough "monsters" are often thought of as being practically predator-free, an assortment of animals sometimes hunt them, including mountain lions, coyotes, and birds of prey.

15) Which Arizona college has a Gila monster for a mascot?

The official mascot of Eastern Arizona College located in Thatcher, Arizona, is Gila Hank, a gun-toting, cowboy-hat-wearing Gila monster.

16) How long can a Gila monster live?

Gila monsters usually live about 20 years in the wild, but have lived up to 36 years in captivity.