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11) What is the world's largest wasp?

The giant scoliid wasp (Megascolia procer) is a member of the Scoliidae family, commonly found in Sumatra and the Java islands of Indonesia. It measures in at a remarkable 2.8 inches (7.1 cm) with a wingspan of 4.5 inches (11.6 cm).

12) Where do Asian giant hornets prefer to build their nests?

Unlike other species of Vespa, the Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), also referred to as the yak-killer hornet or murder hornet, almost exclusively inhabits subterranean nests which it creates by digging, co-opting pre-existing tunnels dug by rodents, or occupying spaces near rotted pine roots.

13) Which sex of wasp has a stinger?

Only female wasps can sting. Males do not have the egg-laying ovipositor that is modified into a stinger on female insects.

14) Where does the giant scoliid wasp lay its eggs?

The giant scoliid wasp (Megascolia procer) is a parasitoid of the Atlas beetle, paralyzing the beetle with its sting and laying eggs on it. The wasp then buries the beetle underground for the larvae to hatch, with the hatched larvae feeding on the still-living host.

15) What is the smallest wasp?

Fairyflies are some of the most common chalcid wasps but are rarely noticed by humans because of their extremely small size. In fact, fairyflies are nearly 400 times smaller than the typical ant--about two or three times the width of a human hair.