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21) Which character breaks his neck?

In the last scene of "Weight Loss", Toby is seen in a hospital in Costa Rica, having broken his neck due to a malfunctioning zip-line harness on the third day of his "new life".

22) Which character is banned from Chili's in "The Dundies"?

A Chili's employee talks to the camera and accuses Pam of sneaking drinks off of other customers' tables, which is against the restaurant's rules. He then tells the audience that he Xeroxed her driver's license and she is never welcome at Chili's again.

23) Who is the head of the accounting department?

Angela is also the office safety officer and former head of the Party Planning Committee.

24) Where does Jim propose to Pam?

It might not seem like the most romantic setting, but Jim's spontaneous gas station in the rain proposal is one for the ages.

25) What is the name of Kevin's cover band?

Kevin plays drums for a Police cover band named Scrantonicity. The band is going to play at Pam and Roy's wedding before it gets called off. They later play at Phyllis and Bob Vance's wedding.

26) When Jim and Pam stay at Dwight's family farm turned bed and breakfast, what book does he read them a bedtime story from?

Dwight reads an excerpt from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

27) How much did Dwight weigh when he was born?

It was revealed in deleted scenes from "The Convict" that Dwight was born weighing thirteen pounds and five ounces, and that because of this, his mother could not walk for three months.

28) On what kids' show does Michael claim to have been a child star?

In the episode "Take Your Daughter to Work Day", Michael makes the claim that he was a child star on a kids' show called Fundle Bundle. It eventually becomes clear, however, that he simply appeared on the show as one of many guest children.

29) Which character accidentally sets the office on fire?

Ryan accidentally starts the fire by leaving his cheese pita in the toaster oven (set to "oven" instead of "toaster).

30) What college did Andy go to?

Andy is a 1995 alumnus of Cornell University, which he brags about often. In "Gay Witch Hunt", he says, "I graduated in four years, I never studied once, I was drunk the whole time, and I sang in the acapella group 'Here Comes Treble'."